This indicator is measured by the average "Distance from Standard” on the Mathematics Summative Smarter Balanced tests.
Distance from Standard represents the distance between a student’s score on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments and the Standard Met Achievement Level threshold (i.e., the lower threshold of the scale score range for Level 3). The scale score ranges for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments vary by content areas (i.e., English-Language Arts and mathematics) and by grade levels. Each student’s Distance from Standard is calculated separately and then all of the distances are combined to determine an average.
There are four performance levels on Smarter Balanced assessments:
- 4 - Standard Exceeded (Above Grade Level)
- 3 - Standard Met (Grade Level)
- 2 - Standard Nearly Met (Near Grade Level)
- 1 - Standard Not Met (Below Grade Level)
As illustrated below, each subject and grade level have a different range of scale scores.
The “Distance from Standard” represents the average distance between a student’s score on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments and the bottom of the scale score range for Standard Met.
Each student’s Distance from Standard is calculated separately and then all of the distances are combined to determine an average as the illustration below demonstrates.